About the Summer School

The goal of the summer school is to bring together PhD students and postdocs working in algebraic geometry, representation theory or algebraic K-theory and wish to learn (more) about methods from the powerful derived and triangulated category toolkit and its applications. Three minicourses by distinguished lecturers will present recent important research using these tools, carefully presenting more foundational material on derived and triangulated categories along the way, as well as motivating examples. In addition, there will be some contributed talks by participants on other material suggested by the organizers (see below), and further research talks by invited speakers at the end of the week.

This summer school is part of the program of the DFG-funded research training group

GRK 2240: Algebro-geometric Methods in Algebra, Arithmetic and Topology .

It will take place at Bergische Universität Wuppertal (see Arrangements for more details about the venue).

Support for travel expenses and accommodation is available for a limited number of PhD students and early career researchers (see Support for more details).

Because of the pandamic situation, the summer school will become hybrid. We have to restrict to 44 participants on Campus. More information will be provided via email to all registered participants. Please do not show up on Campus unless you are registered for this option, and don't forget your certificate that you are recovered, vaccinated or tested ("3G").



Invited speakers

Talks by participants: Some more foundational material will be presented by participants at the beginning of the week. If you are interested in giving such a talk, please contact the organizers. (Note: We have enough volunteers by now.)
